Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is a controlled real world cyber attack on your infrastructure to gain entry and identify security vulnerabilities BEFORE they are found by others with malicious intent.

Organisations may take many steps to protect their critical cyber assets, but all too often do not systematically and diversely test their cyber defences from a real world threat perspective. As rouge hacking activities advance, we are staying ahead and protect against the most advanced and unforeseen attack elevations by performing them first.

Our certified experts are able to test a broad range of attack vectors including:

  • Network Infrastructure
  • Web Applications
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Mobile Applications
  • Employee Cyber Security Awareness

Penetration Testing White Papers – Click Here

Live Threat Map: These attacks are happening right now across the globe.

Statistic: IT environments targeted by cyber attacks worldwide in 2019, by industry | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Global Cyber Attacks

These statistics from Statista are those that have been identified. Successful attacks are not easily identified.

These are also targeted attack statistics. We also face automated, non-targeted and generic attacks routinely.

Unfortunately the truth is, the real level of cyber attacks are substantially higher.

Financial Damages of Cyber Attacks

Statista’s ‘Average financial damage of cyber attacks caused to businesses worldwide as of 2018’ report shows that 53 percent of global cyber attacks on businesses caused financial damages of at least 500,000 U.S. dollars. With nearly 20% causing damages between $1m -$3m and nearly 10% causing damages exceeding $5m

You can protect yourself against these inevitable attacks via layered security, Penetration Testing is a vital layer to your ongoing protection.

Statistic: Average financial damages of cyber attacks caused to businesses worldwide as of 2018 (in U.S. dollars) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Types of Tests

Black Box 

A penetration test performed without any influence or direction from the business on what vectors to attack.

White Box

A penetration test performed according to pre-determined guidelines set out by the client.

Grey Box

A penetration test performed with partial guidance, like a map of the network, but where other aspects must be achieved during the project, like administrative access.

Attributable Methodologies

Our methodologies and processes are attributable to the following certified frameworks for penetration testing:

  • NCSC CHECK scheme
  • Penetration Testing Executive Standard (PTES)
  • Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
  • Centre for Internet Security (CIS)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

Following the penetration test, clients receive comprehensive reports that detail the variety of vulnerabilities identified and their associated exploits based on severity and criticality.

Penetration Testing – Ethical Hacking

Intelligent Attacks

Our intelligence methods allow us to perform outside of the box attacks. Apart form having the best, most skilled ethical hackers working for us, we also employ machine learning strategies as part of a diverse vertical leading to attack surface immersion

Elevated Attacks

It’s true to say, we have a few secret strategies that are unforeseen amongst even the most notoriously secure organisations and networks in the world. It’s part of our niche to stay ahead and remain at the forefront of global cyber security

Layered Attacks

Our attack operations include using multiple probing layers for each and every individual objective to ensure ruling out a vulnerability and its variations are done so with comprehensive and meticulous certainty.

Reporting – Remediation

Full Report

Our reports identify what we tested, how it was conducted and what was found so that you can be assured your attack surface is being well protected against all cyber threats.


Once a vulnerability is found, the steps taken to achieve exploitation are documented with screen shots and instruction for easy to follow replication.


Our reports give clear and easy guidance of remediation measures to put in place to prevent exploitation of any vulnerabilities found during the pen test.